Looking for God in All the Wrong Places

Fall is in the air. Our congregation just had its “Thanks for Giving” turkey supper. It’s time to take a breath of contentment before the holiday season begins. And, after that brief moment, I am pleased to announce that my friend, Rev. Chris Matthis (LCMS), has released another book: Looking for God in All the Wrong Places: Sermons for Advent and Christmas. (To be honest, it includes Epiphany, too. :))

Allow me to be an outlier, but the end of the church year is pretty amazing. But, until people start publishing books on that, advent pieces will suit me fine!

If you are looking for sermon ideas, all you pastors out there: here is an option with a great title. I mean, how Lutheran! We are all looking for God in all the wrong places until the Spirit makes Him known to us in the Word and Word-made-Flesh! In His gifts by His revelation and power!

If you are looking for devotional material, this will be good, too. I haven’t had time to read it all, but there are 19 Advent sermons, nine Christmas sermons, and three Epiphany services to draw you into God’s Word and the greatest story ever told. That’s pretty good—31 days worth of readings. Grown-up Advent calendar, anyone? There will be 28 days in Advent this year, which means you’d be reading Christmas ones a little early, but, you know, missing a few days here or there or getting to Christmas early isn’t really surprising these days, is it?

Here’s a link to Amazon and its handy-dandy Look Inside feature. Check it out! Or buy it for your church library!


Filed under Books to Purchase

2 Responses to Looking for God in All the Wrong Places

  1. Chris Matthis

    Thanks, Mary! I’m glad the book was a blessing. Benjamin loves your children’s book, I CAN HELP TOO. Are the parents illustrations based on you and Ned?

    • As far as I know, the illustrations are not based on us, but we did chuckle a bit when we saw the couple. 🙂 Happy coincidences! I’m very glad Benjamin likes the book.

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