
I must have flaked out somewhere, because I posted a link prematurely yesterday. In it Katie Schuermann offers great writing advice! I particularly like her line that no one has time to write a book. So true!!! Anyway, I hope you check out that article here.

Today’s post just asks, “How about a Bible study on the cities of refuge?” Yes, refugees are a serious topic and, yes, the church should address it quickly and effectively. Still, I think a Bible study specifically on the cities of refuge could stir up a lot of questions about unintentional crime and sin, just punishments, etc. I think this, too, would be very timely for discussions within the church, and who has studied it on a Sunday morning?

Our modern concept of refuge and refugees is . . . harder to discuss when comparing with our nomadic fathers of the faith, for instance. And, conflating modern connotations with ancient practices makes for tricky language-work sometimes.

What do you think? Want to tackle the Cities of Refuge? Or do you have any great insights into how a Bible study could address modern notions of refuge and refuges?

In the meantime, love and serve your neighbors, whoever and wherever may they be! 🙂

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Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers, Shared Writing Ideas, Writing Tips

One Response to Refuge

  1. David J. Susan

    “Sanctuary cities” are indeed a valid issue for God’s people, an issue which, as you say, requires much in-depth study (by Lutheran lawyers, jurists and statesmen smarter than I!). What does cause me at this point to support the idea (and to give thanks that my home city of Madison, WI is a sanctuary city–though currently there is not even a “hard definition”) is that I take Jesus seriously in Matthew 25 when he says we should welcome the stranger. We are not talking about foreign felons here–of course, like any criminal, they should be prosecuted. But the President’s order calls for picking up not only foreigners with criminal charges against them, but even people merely suspected of illegal acts–a “net” which is far too broad in my opinion.

    Thanks for raising a very timely issue!

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