Ladies and gentlemen, I’m reading some really good things written by fellow Lutherans, and it really warms my heart. Two pre-publication book projects! I know that I sometimes can harp on author community and support as opposed to competition, but it’s a beautiful thing to see people working with the words God has given them to help neighbors God has given. I’m really enjoying and appreciating them.

Even if that reading and my kids’ soccer season is eating up all my time. 🙂 But soccer ends this week! Don’t tell the kids, but yay, yay, yay!

I also hurt my knee something awful and have been extra cranky lately. But I shouldn’t be. There is so much to be thankful for. Even if martyrdom is still an ongoing reality as our Lord told us it would be. Sigh.

In lamer news, (Ha! LAME!) I haven’t been making decisions quickly. My Lutheran resources and crafts page has gotten kind of out-of-control long. Should I go ahead and split the two? An increasing number of pages are linking to it so I hate to trouble them with updating broken links, blah, blah, but what do you think? Necessary?

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  1. Can you have a main “Lutheran resources and crafts” page with links to the separate pages? Then the outside resources could keep the same link, but you could split your lists…

    And sorry to hear about your knee. 🙁 hurt my foot pretty badly last winter, and it just throws everything off, doesn’t it?

    And (I’m working backwards here😳) yay for the Lutheran writers!

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