
I haven’t written much fiction, though I daydream about doing so. Still, I think a lot of good Lutheran theology and dialogue could shine through, just as it does in real life, in some good novels. Especially hard-hitting novels! The post below, from Cranach, reminded me of that. Imagine comparing theological approaches to the poor with actual people since theological absolutely affects actual people!

Catholic, Lutheran & Reformed Approaches to the Poor

Maybe it is through articles and studies, like the above, that we are reminded just how hard-hitting theology can be, not only on Sunday mornings but always.

Now, a novel addressing poverty and the theological distinctions mentioned (correctly or incorrectly) could be subtly done. A new pastor could gradually be taught a few lessons by older parishioners, poor shut-ins, a congregational food pantry, or a neighborhood soup kitchen. Long time friends could discuss things over a weekly poker or bingo night when situations close to home start affecting just how deeply they take those conversations. An angry picketer could receive a few phrases that stick in her craw, leading to internal and external probing.

If you’ve read my blog for very long, you’ll know I’m a vocation-kind-of-girl. It breaks my heart that so many families are increasingly not helping those whom God has given them. Education and institutions aren’t leading to greener pastures or . . . sometimes anywhere. There are SO MANY PEOPLE, so many neighbors, who may have little or large opportunities to help. Except help itself seems to be complicated in this day and age. Increasingly so, even. Sigh.

Love your neighbors, folks. Our Lord gives us enough to share His gifts, all kinds of His gifts. He loves us so much that He came down to earth to be our neighbor. Indeed, Neighbor to all in need.

My own vocations are keeping me from writing much these days. I’m getting kind of . . . twitchy because of it. Blogging doesn’t satisfy the same tug as working on one of my other projects.

So, do you have the opportunity to write? Or, care to join me in praying for Lutheran writers? Even writers in general! That cool Yale student comparing practical application of differing theology? Lord, bless her! May she be blessed by the Gospel and receive every blessing in Christ, our Lord.

Hard-hitting writers can be hard to find. It’s gutsy work. But, if you’re interested, I’m happy to encourage you with your endeavor. It can be a service to the world, as well as your own passion or past-time. 🙂

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Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers, Shared Writing Ideas

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