Tag Archives: Lutheran novels

Lutheran Novels

Hello. My name is Mary Moerbe, and I am not as on top of things as I should be. I have Lutheran novels I meant to read a year or two ago! So, wish me luck, because I hope this is the summer I start to catch up. 🙂 My twins are mostly potty-trained, I’m more or less making progress on my own writing projects . . . this may be the time!

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Filed under Blogger's life, Reading List

Review List

I don’t poke around blogs as much as I used to, but I’ve seen review blogs post books received or books pending reviews. Here’s my first such review list, although I must be painfully clear. No promises on when books will be read or reviews written. I just can’t handle a book review blog and would generally rather encourage others to pursue their own writing. Still, you know, I want to do what I can.

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Call the Doctor

I’ve got another writing idea to share and this one may be more exciting for you. Instead of a general comment that people should write about the Holy Spirit, this one is more specific. Quite a bit more specific. So if you’re interested in how I think the Holy Spirit could be powerfully, if subtly, displayed in a novel/series of short stories format, read the ideas below about what I’d call the doctor.

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Filed under As Theological Writers, Shared Writing Ideas

Lutheran Novelists

My inner novelist remains within, at this point, but just the other day I overheard a great testament that many of us are born to weave fiction! My seven-year old was skyping with her six-year old cousin, and my niece was telling mighty tales, fraught with intricacies. Ladies and gentlemen, there are Lutheran novelists among us. But, when they’ve grown up and actually written their novels, how can we find them? Are they hidden away in a sea of different publishers and Amazon? No longer! I am pleased to present you with . . .

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Filed under As Theological Writers, Audiences, Books to Purchase, Resource