Summer is a time for movies and movie reviews. I was trying to think of the Lutheran movie reviewers I’ve seen, but I’m having trouble remembering them today. I’ll include one below, with a link to his handy alphabetical Movie Review Index, but if you think of any more maybe I can add them to my Lutheran author page. And, if any of you are budding reviewers, or wish to share one or two here, you’d be welcome, too.
Here’s a link to a movie review of Risen by Pastor Ted Giese. It’s always nice to hear a Lutheran pastor’s reflections on religious selections.
Lutheran Film Review of the 2016 film Risen by Kevin Reynolds staring Joseph Fiennes. Movie Review By Pastor Ted Giese of Mount Olive Lutheran Church Regina Canada
Source: Risen (2016) By Kevin Reynolds – Movie Review
On the other hand, why not get a little warning before something like this one? (admittedly, I have no idea whether she’s Lutheran or not):
When the movie is released this Friday, please boycott the film and encourage others to do the same.
Source: ‘You before me’ is better than ‘Me Before You’ | Opinion | LifeSite
In general, I suspect writing movie reviews is a fun thing to do with a relatively easy audience to gauge. It’s a time when like-minded people are supposed to address each other with helpful tips, bits of humor, and just enough insight to avoid too many spoilers. Enjoy sarcasm or satire? This may be just the thing for you!
(Although I’ll admit to loving spoilers. Then I can find a lot more hints along the way!)