I’m excited to announce/”vague-blog” that someone I respect is on the verge of publishing a children’s book! Woo hoo! As such, I’d like to run through some really simple ways to market for a first (or subsequent!) book.
Am I some expert? No. A lot of these tips I learned after my first two children’s books were published. Still, may these benefit you–and hopefully me, too–from now on. 🙂
- Try to make a big deal about your release day. Try to get Amazon purchases made on the same day so those magical Amazon algorithms work in your favor. 🙂
- You can make countdown like announcements.
- You can offer a freebie to celebrate the day!
- You can simply make sure your family, friends, and facebook see your message on roughly the same day.
- Try to get reviews.
- Amazon and GoodReads are good. Blog posts are good. Publishing websites are good, too, of course.
- Radio spots are good!!
- Newspaper review are good!!
- You can totally hit up your friends and family for this, or ask them to hand the book to someone else who would enjoy and possibly review it.
- You can write your local and hometown papers to announce your release and/or book signing.
- Libraries, book stores, and coffee shops are often very happy to host book signings. You can even leave a copy or two with them so more browsers can see it later.
- Yeah, you can also try the dentist, doctors office, etc., although I’m not sure how many sales that actually gains. lol Still, writers want readers, and that’s one way to get them.
- You can call your local bookstores and ask them to carry your book. Sometimes there are specific shelves for locals. Sometimes they’ll only carry books if they’re through particular distributors, but, you know what? Never hurts to ask. Even if its a chain bookstore!
- Giveaways. You can advertise your own giveaway with one or more of your author copies. You can also ask your publisher to provide marketing copies to various people including Lutheran radio personalities, professionals in the same field, bloggers, etc. Utilize GoodReads! Even Amazon can run a giveaway, and those are well worth it!
I’ll be honest. It’s good to think through your natural marketing network. If you blog, it’s your readers. It’s also your pastor, various professionals you know, other writers, review bloggers, etc. I like to keep a list of people I can tap for a review or possible inside blurb at all times, including professors for academic works and others I’ve met who may share whatever field I’m aiming to assist.
Also, publishers have their own resources. Sometimes publishers will send you colorful fliers, brochures, or postcards to help you to spread the news in style. They may be able to set up book signing if you speak for or attend conferences (writing or otherwise).
There may be many more simple ways to market, so feel free to leave some in the comment section below. 🙂 Wishing you well, no matter how much–or how little–personal marketing you’ll be called upon to do!
PS. LCMS Pastor Christopher Matthis has kindly offered a copy of his latest book, In the Shadow of the Cross: Sermons for Lent and Holy Week, for a Christmas giveaway through this blog. Woo hoo! To enter this giveaway, comment on this linked post for a chance to win the copy. Only those with USA or USA military addresses are eligible.