I promise I won’t talk politics here. At the same time, I’m very proud of my cousin, Lorien Foote, and her two history books, one of which was just used in an article about Donald Trump, citing a rascally organization called the Independent Order of Trumps from the Civil War. If you’re into politics, you can follow this link about Trumps & Trump, but, honestly, if you enjoy history at all you should consider getting her books.
Actually, even if you don’t typically enjoy history, you should enjoy getting her books. Good writing is good writing! Her treatment of gender roles, expectations, and daily life from eras past is worth it in itself. She rises above abstract, trendy Gnosticism—so popular today—to treat actual men and women as they lived and influenced. The rest of her family and I are very proud of her.
Regarding my dear “cuz cuz,” as I said as a child, she is a Professor of History at Texas A&M and teaches courses on the Civil War/Reconstruction, War and Society, Early National History, and 19th Century Reform Movements. She is the winner of UCA’s Teaching Excellence Award, has published two books, was a finalist and honorable mention for the 2011 Lincoln Prize, and spends her free time ballroom dancing. In a single word: awesome. But, take it from me, she will whip you at Trivia Pursuit, Bridge, or just about any other game. 🙂
If you are looking for a history book that reads as both adventure and accessible history, she’s a writer for you. Her two books are Seeking One Great Remedy: Francis George Shaw & Nineteenth-Century Reform (which almost reads like a collective biography of Shaw with his family and friends), and The Gentlemen and the Roughs: Violence, Honor, and Manhood in the Union Army.
Do you know about artofmanliness.com? It’s pretty clever, and they like and recommend The Gentlemen and the Roughs. Here’s a link to a podcast interview about it.
PS. My extended family isn’t Lutheran, so I can’t add her to my list of living Lutheran authors, but, if you hesitate because one rarely knows who to listen to about things like manhood and honor, she is a Bible-believing, resurrection-believer with a head for theology and heart for Jesus.