Monthly Archives: May 2023

Sycamore Circle

Here’s my big news: I have a new job! I’m going to be the lower school dean at Memorial Lutheran School in Houston. And, my first act will be . . . to also stand in as fifth grade teacher! So, um, there’s a lot on my plate for the next year. 🙂 But it will be good. And I’ll still review Lutheran books as I get a chance. Today’s post is a review of Shelley Shepard Gray‘s Sycamore Circle, Book 2 in The Rumors in Ross County series.

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(Dis)ordered: Lies about Human Nature and the Truth That Sets Us Free

Here’s a new book from a Lutheran author: (Dis)ordered: Lies about Human Nature and the Truth That Sets Us Free by Rev. Christopher Esget. Out by Concordia Publishing House. 🙂

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Not Until This Day

I went on a weekend trip a few weeks ago and indulged in some nice, relaxing reading at the airport. One of the books I read was Lutheran author Valerie Bodden‘s Not Until This Day, Book Six in her Hope Springs series. My review is below.

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Wait for Me: A Waters of Time Novel

Today’s post is a review of Wait for Me: A Waters of Time Novel, which prolific Lutheran author Jody Hedlund releases today.

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Under the Golden Dome

Ladies & Gentlemen, today’s post is a review of Ray Keating‘s latest release, Under the Golden Dome: A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel.

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Not Until Us

Ok. I didn’t quite finish Ray Keating’s newest release, but I do have some time to write posts this week, so let’s still start off with a review. Today’s post is a review of Lutheran author Valerie Bodden’s book, Not Until Us, Book 4 in her Hope Springs series.

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