Not Until Us

Ok. I didn’t quite finish Ray Keating’s newest release, but I do have some time to write posts this week, so let’s still start off with a review. Today’s post is a review of Lutheran author Valerie Bodden’s book, Not Until Us, Book 4 in her Hope Springs series.

Not Until Us Review

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. What I enjoy about Valerie Bodden’s books is the balance. Characters develop, and, yes, romance ensues, but there’s real sympathy for people with real problems. I just love that.

I flew through Not Until Us while on a plane and I’m happy to report that this book handle three subjects in a good way: 1) a young pastor dealing with matching & big shoes to fill, 2) a “bad girl next door,” 3) and awkwardness at a Christian camp! Ha ha haaaa

Ok, so this isn’t my profoundest of reviews, but I’ll sum it up by saying I’m sure to read more in the series. There’s just a good balance between enjoyment and consideration, humor and real life struggles.

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