Monthly Archives: November 2016

White Crayons, Broken Pencils, and Dried Pens

Some days writing utensils seem to be everywhere, from wedged against my floor boards to under (and over) my pillow. I take it as a symptom of modern child-raising. Other times, however, all I can find in my need are white crayons, broken pencils, and dried pens, and I suspect we all have days and times like that.

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Filed under As Christian Writers

Open Editor Position!

Woah, woah, woah, it’s an Advent miracle! There’s an open editor position, and what a position it is! Adriane Heins has announced that the Lutheran Witness is seeking a new editor over the whole shebang!

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Filed under As Theological Writers

Advent Resources

Since Advent began yesterday, I thought I’d highlight a few Advent resources for you. (Maybe next year I can put together such a list sooner—sorry.) It’s a bit eclectic, so I hope you find something suitable and helpful in this reverent, penitential season.

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Christmas Shopping List

It’s black Friday so I thought I’d put together a little Christmas shopping list for nearly all ages. Ok, this might correspond a little to my mother-in-law’s request for Christmas hints. 🙂

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Prayer of Thanksgiving

May prayer of thanksgiving be included in your day. Here are two links to help encourage that: one with prayers from various Christian places and one from LCMS Worship with a Thanksgiving Day Litany and Grace—I love litanies. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful to God for you!

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Filed under As Christian Writers

Sit at the Table

I don’t know how much people will be online in the next few days. I’ll link an article below for your enjoyment and perhaps wish you coming days with pleasant reading—recipes or otherwise—and maybe a holiday from writing. The article is “How to Sit at the Table with Those who Hurt & Offend You.”

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Thanksgiving Video

It is almost Thanksgiving Day! For your viewing pleasure, I present the Holderness Family Thanksgiving video that is making its rounds. (I also digress about genre, et al.)

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Filed under Wordplay, Writing Exercises


Lutherans ask, “What does this mean?” all the time. The question remains religiously and culturally relevant. But I’ve recently pinpointed something that bothers me. With the aid of the devil, we have actually found a way to talk about the means of grace apart from a) how to receive them, and b) the divine blessings and benefits they give.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers

Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly

Yesterday my post was admittedly under-enthused, but today’s is happier. Admittedly, it’s primarily aimed at women and maybe pastors. A good option for ladies looking to submit articles and built their curriculum vitae (CV) is Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly. In shorthand, it’s the LWML quarterly and its often eager to accept submissions.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, Marketing, Writing Exercises

Sigh Together

A few people now have asked me where to send articles for possible publication. After all, articles get your name out there, as well as provide good writing experience. Unfortunately, I don’t have a handy list to hand out. Instead I have a few concerns and considerations (con and cons vs. pros and cons?) for Lutheran writers. I’ll mention them below so we can all sigh together.

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Filed under Writer Troubles