Hildegard wrote a perfect post for April and National Poetry Month! (Should I say “International” since she lives in Canada?) Teasing about torturing your brain for fun, she suggests that crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and even Lumosity can be a gateway drug to juggling words and, gasp, secretly enjoying structural rules!
Monthly Archives: April 2016
Fantasy Foolish
Robert Stroud of Mere Inkling kindly called my attention to a recent article of his for our consideration. (Thanks! Such contributions are welcome!) Is Fantasy Foolish takes up the question of whether a penchant for fantasy is a deficiency or augmentation.
Filed under Uncategorized
The Bible says to Writers . . .
My dad’s been reflecting on what the Bible says to musicians/artists and to scientists. What are some passages tucked away in plain sight that address what the Bible says to writers, like those passages my father is seeing with new eyes? Immediately I thought of Psalm 51:15: “Open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise.”
Filed under As Christian Writers, Theological reflection
Spoken with Care
“Nothing can be spoken with such care that it can escape ridicule.” Apology to the Augsburg Confession, Article VII & VIII 2.
Filed under As Christian Writers
Highlighting Durbin
I had some pleasant contact about the blog this weekend. In general, the reader was pleased that the Lutheran Author Page has expanded. Specifically, he was enthusiastic after seeing Frederic S. Durbin included.
Filed under Reviews
Poetry Books for Kids
I want this blog to encourage writing, but I can’t help but think encouraging reading can be included. And, well, I’m at home with my many children, so my thoughts often turn to them. So, since this is National Poetry Month and there is poetry for kids, too, today’s post lists some of the poetry books for kids that I use.
Open Submissions
Technically, I think people should write about what they care about—or what they can’t help but write about. Still, writing exercises and practice have their place. If you just want to gain a little experience, or if you like a little guidance to help get your writing going, then here’s a little something that might help: an online source of open submissions.
Filed under As Christian Writers, Writing Exercises
Computer Crash
It always seems like a surprise, but it shouldn’t be. Sadly this is not a clever analogy or anything else. Just a modern dependency throwing me into chaos and uncertainty. So, any advice for me? What helps you get through a computer crash? What computers can withstand an assault of children, offers basic word processing, and is preferably Skype ready?
Filed under Uncategorized
By Any Other Name
I’m wrapping up a proposal/project that is a children’s book on the means of grace. But after reading it again, I thought to myself, “Hmm. Is it more a book on Word and Sacrament?” It’s made me think, are the means of grace as sweet by any other name? Is there a difference?
Filed under Theological reflection
Publishing Slang
I’m excited to announce that LCMS author/musician Fred Baue has his book, The Pilgrim, to the stage of sending galley to “reviewer heavies”. Now is the time to start the buzz! I greatly admire the man and I’ll keep you in the loop as a launch approaches, maybe even throwing a review in here. Meanwhile, why not explore a little publishing slang, since more than one of us may be interested in “flacking the merch”! Continue reading
Filed under Writer's Life