Monthly Archives: February 2017

Gracious Words

I came across the expression “gracious words” in Proverbs, so I decided to share a few such verses from the Bible today. 🙂
  • The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord, but gracious words are pure. Proverbs 15:26
  • Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. Proverbs 16:24
  • And all spoke well of him and marveled at the gracious words that were coming from his mouth. And they said, “Is not this Joseph’s son?” Luke 4:22

We can strive for “gracious words,” yet God works grace even through those words we may try to fight or avoid. Thanks be to Christ Jesus our Lord!

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Filed under As Christian Writers

Ugly and Stupid

There’s an article, “Free our Churches from the Ugly and Stupid,” from last Thursday that mostly deals with music, art, decor. It is by Anthony Esolen, who has written several books on my Amazon wishlist. (I think he’s Roman Catholic and professor of Renaissance English Literature and the Development of Western Civilization at Providence College.) Below is a quote and some of my own reflections on stupidity and the arts.

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Filed under As Christian Writers

Shared Idea: Older Fatherhood

With a little regret, I’m going to share a writing idea I’ve had. I’d really like to tackle it myself. I’m just nowhere close to imagining a time I could do so! So, if you’re interested in a rarer format, single-person narrative delving into older fatherhood and a son’s sacrifice, here you go.

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Filed under As Theological Writers, My projects, Shared Writing Ideas

Pure Words

The words of the Lord are pure words,
    like silver refined in a furnace on the ground,
    purified seven times” (Psalm 12:6).

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Filed under As Christian Writers, Theological reflection

Prelude to Postlude

I had a string of good writing days. Sadly, that stopped. Oh well, here’s another neat Lenten resource. It’s nothing to give up as a discipline. Rather, it’s something to add. I think it’s an excellent idea, especially for writers and word people like us. So, with little more prelude . . .

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Filed under As Christian Writers, Hymns, Poetry, Resource

Lambs at Pasture

I love passing along Lutheran resources as they come out. Today’s resource highlight is “Lambs at Pasture,” a new weekly tool for daily family devotions. It’s being distributed free of charge via Steadfast Lutherans and it’s put together by LCMS Pastor Derrick Brown and his wife, Kris Brown, a talented graphic designer on my Freelance Writer Support page.

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Conquest of Canaan

Maybe I’m on a kick, thinking up ideas for Old Testament Bible studies. Anyway, I think one should be done on the Conquest of Canaan.

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Filed under Bible Studies, Shared Writing Ideas

Hobby Writing

Some people receive the term hobbyist with negative connotations. If someone is serious about writing, they think, he or she won’t practice hobby writing. But, seriously, why care? Want to write as a hobby? GREAT! God gives us multiple vocations and, as children demonstrate every day, even our “play” can ultimately serve our neighbors well.( And I mean that even if all writing—or thinking through ideas—does is help you focus now and again!)

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Filed under As Christian Writers

Lent 2017

I haven’t felt very good so today I’ll just post a quick note saying Steadfast Lutherans has made their Lent 2017 devotional available here. Titled “A Christian Holy People,” it offers devotions on the marks of the Church as described in Luther’s, “On the Councils and the Church.” I haven’t looked through it yet, but I’m happy to share resources I hear about.

If you know of other devotional material available for Lent, feel free to share it in the comments!

PS. Silly me, I should mention Higher Things’ Reflections!


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Filed under As Christian Writers, New Release, Resource

Systematic Bible Studies

People have talked about four disciplines within theology: systematic, exegetic, historical, and practical. Exegesis is foundational as it draws “out” of Scripture while the other three are helpful by systematically discussing topics; recognizing worth in, and drawing upon, the historic church and theologians; and then focusing on proper application of God’s Word in pastoral care. Anyway, my dear husband had a stellar idea for systematic Bible studies.

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Filed under As Theological Writers, Bible Studies, Shared Writing Ideas