I have a good assortment of posts for this week already! Woo hoo! Today’s post is about the distinction between goals and expectations. It really hit the spot for me when I read it.
Monthly Archives: July 2017
Preacher of the Cross
As I wrap up my reading for the CPH summer reading program, I thought, “What two slim books can wrap this up for me?” (Time’s getting a little tight.) I immediately thought about Rev. John T Pless and his latest release, Martin Luther, Preacher of the Cross: A Study of Luther’s Pastoral Theology.
Filed under Reviews
Today I’m linking to an article that shows a great deal of perspective. And, isn’t perspective part of what writers crave? The insight and context of what’s around—and within—us? In particular, this post addresses Luther’s famous last phrase about beggars.
Unexpected genre
I like dreaming big. And, whenever I’ve thought about getting into fiction, I’ve known what genre I wanted to write. Precisely. I mean, I have a narrow vision that captures me pretty spookily. Except. It seems like the cosmos have conspired against that for the time being. Now I’m thinking about trying a genre I’d always respected but personally sworn off. Am I crazy? I think I may go for it. I mean, 🙂 I’d sure tell you to go for it, if something grabbed your attention for a spell, planned or otherwise!
Still, what do you think? Should I start my first attempt at a novel in a new-to-me genre? Should I type up previous notes instead? Should I outline or just write away?
I’m excited thinking about writing regularly again. Making a good, old-fashioned go of it! Sure, I’ll have days of despair and knocking my head against my desk, but, well, I’d have those days anyway! 😉
I’ve been editing for a spell. Imagine a great big whoosh as I sigh in relief that I’m thinking elsewhere now.
Happy writing!
Filed under Inspiration, My projects, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
Scrivener and Story Structure
I’m taking this week a little easy, so here’s another linked article. Enjoy! I hope to post another review in another day or two.
Filed under Resource, Writer's Life
The Gap in Creative Work
I’ll admit it. This week I’ll be posting several articles recommended on the Writing (LCMS) Lutherans Facebook group by Lisa Stapp. (You don’t need to be LCMS to join. It’s just a place for writers with that type of general perspective/persuasion/worldview/theology.) Check out the group, if you’d like. Today’s article is titled, “The Gap: What Stops Most People from Doing Creative Work.” It encouraged me so I hope it will encourage you, too. 🙂
Filed under Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
Help Church Worker Wellness
This post is particularly for LCMS church workers or their families about a project that may be able to help us all, rostered or otherwise. 🙂 Heidi Goehmann is helping to put together a collection of 30 free devotions to help church worker wellness within the LCMS. There will be a synod church worker wellness site offering them as free PDFs and then everyone can benefit! The premise is worker-to-worker, hence the restriction on who writes for it.
Resources to Help & Encourage Writers
Today we have a guest post from Cheryl Swope! She kindly sent me this guest post back when I preparing for vacation, fearful I’d run low on post and you might notice. 🙂 That time has come and gone—with no noticeable break! Woo hoo! So now we can read her article, Resources to Help & Encourage Writers, and discuss it if anyone wishes. Thanks again, Cheryl!
Filed under As Christian Writers, Resource, Writer's Life
Immanuel: Battles of Armor and Soul
I’m branching out to more genres now that I’m reviewing more Lutheran authors. It’s pretty cool! It sometimes takes me a little while to settle in, but I’m really pleased to see how diverse our authors are and how varied our books are. Seriously, it proves that we can be in this together and not in competition with each other. Today’s review is on Immanuel: Battles of Armor and Soul by Garen Pay, which was released in February of this year.
Filed under New Release, Reviews