Tag Archives: Martin Luther

Martin Luther: A Beggar Before God

Want to watch a play titled Martin Luther: A Beggar Before God? Because Lutheran author and pastor Craig Stanford wrote one in 2017 in celebration of the 500 Anniversary of the Reformation! And it’s online here!

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On the Councils

I wish I were on top of things. But I’m not. So I’ll pretend I’m “creative.” Ha haa! Meanwhile, my find for you today is another gift to the church through Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller: Martin Luther’s On the Councils and the Church.

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The Unholy Trinity

Ages ago it seems, I mentioned a new release and I’ve finally gotten around to reading it: The Unholy Trinity: Martin Luther Against the Idol of Me, Myself, and I by Rev. Dr. Michael A. Lockwood, an Aussie/ LCA pastor who received his doctorate through Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. In short, this book is absolutely fantastic.

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Commemoration of Hymnwriters

Happy Commemoration of Hymnwriters Philipp Nicolai, Johann Heermann and Paul Gerhardt! 🙂 I know. You all made cakes to honor it, didn’t you. Still it’s a good day to honor the writers who came before us and have blessed generations with their powerful texts and biblical messages! Raise a glass or a song!

In more Reformational news, I’ve got a selection of Reformation videos to share with you today.

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Luther’d have trouble, too

Usually I pride myself on being a reasonable person. Sure, I kind of try to do it all–I aim for Superwoman. Still, yesterday I was very depressed about my project and trying to be a writer in general. My kind, calming husband pointed out that Luther’d have trouble, too, these days.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, My projects, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life

365 Luther Quotes Resource!

With the actual Reformation Anniversary Day approaching, there are a LOT of Reformation resources and books coming out. Today I get to mention a neat resource from Northwestern Publishing House, the Lutheran publishing house of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS): 365 Luther Quotes, one a day!

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Theology of Beauty

Today a Lutheran book hits the market that one I’ve particularly anticipated: Martin Luther’s Theology of Beauty: A Reappraisal by Dr. Mark Mattes.

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Preacher of the Cross

 As I wrap up my reading for the CPH summer reading program, I thought, “What two slim books can wrap this up for me?” (Time’s getting a little tight.) I immediately thought about Rev. John T Pless and his latest release, Martin Luther, Preacher of the Cross: A Study of Luther’s Pastoral Theology.

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Today I’m linking to an article that shows a great deal of perspective. And, isn’t perspective part of what writers crave? The insight and context of what’s around—and within—us? In particular, this post addresses Luther’s famous last phrase about beggars.

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Luther’s Priesthood of all Believers

A book and a mystery: There’s a new book out, written I believe by a former ELCA, now LCMC pastor, Rev. Kristian Baudler, titled Martin Luther’s Priesthood of All Believers–In an Age of Modern MythExcept strictly speaking, it isn’t new. Rather, my husband got an email from Oxen Press, yet the book appears to be self-published through Amazon. It seems there are two Amazon pages listing it different ways.

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Filed under As Theological Writers, New Release