CPH has a new release I am excited about. Rev. Dr. Michael Lockwood has written a book, The Unholy Trinity: Martin Luther against the Idol of Me, Myself, and I. Coming from a full-time pastor and doctoral scholar, this is sure to suit those of both studious and curious interest. May it be a great tool and gift of the church!
As for me, myself, and I, what a great idea for a book! I mean, it has the historical and theological acumen of Martin Luther, and it simply sounds stellar for both scholars and us armchair theologians! Seriously, I have to applaud both the author and CPH. It’s just a great idea I never knew to think of! And those, right there, make for the very best books.
Ladies and gentlemen, I bet there are great nuggets of circumstances and insight in there for book fodder. And, you know, personal life application, too. Plus, what a clever title to delve into our idolatry of self, which certainly does show itself in different forms.
This is such a new release that I don’t know when the Amazon “Look Insight” feature will give us a glimpse, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the CPH newsroom offers us insight into The Unholy Trinity some time soon.
On a more personal note, I had no idea this book was in production, but I am very glad I can list another living Lutheran author to my page from the Lutheran Church of Australia. He happens to be a friend of my brother-in-law, and I got to meet him briefly a few times between my sister’s wedding and his PhD studies at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
“Good on ya,” Michael! Warm wishes to you, your congregation, your readers, and your very lovely family! I look forward to reading this book! It will be downright meet, right, and salutary for me, myself, and I!
And if any of you get around to reviewing this book before I do, let me know and I’ll be happy to let you guest post!