Tag Archives: idolatry

The Unholy Trinity

Ages ago it seems, I mentioned a new release and I’ve finally gotten around to reading it: The Unholy Trinity: Martin Luther Against the Idol of Me, Myself, and I by Rev. Dr. Michael A. Lockwood, an Aussie/ LCA pastor who received his doctorate through Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. In short, this book is absolutely fantastic.

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Writing Idolatry

I find Bible study to be very provocative in a possible sense. It gets my juices flowing, seeing new connections to God’s mercy and fulfillments of prophecies. And, it just so happens that when your brain starts to work, sometimes it continues! Yay! I often find myself scribbling down notes and ideas in between Bible study and church as I ponder from that productive state of mind. What Bible study brought up today, however–in my mind at least, is whether I succumb to writing idolatry.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, Writer's Life

Me, Myself, and I

CPH has a new release I am excited about. Rev. Dr. Michael Lockwood has written a book, The Unholy Trinity: Martin Luther against the Idol of Me, Myself, and I. Coming from a full-time pastor and doctoral scholar, this is sure to suit those of both studious and curious interest. May it be a great tool and gift of the church!

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