Monthly Archives: November 2022

Steadfast Press

Welp, my family has moved! So that’s a big deal in our lives! Still, I wanted to hop on here to let you know some big news: There is now a Steadfast Press! Woo hoo!

I hope to get back to blogging any day now, but, you know, I’m taking it one box at a time. 🙂

Happy reading & writing!


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CPH Thanksgiving Sale

Moving is taking a lot of my time and energy, but I would be remiss if I failed to mention the CPH Thanksgiving sale. There are some seriously good books available, even up to 74% off. So check it out. 🙂

One of my books is included! How Can I Help? God’s Calling for Kids is only $5! That’s a steal for the hardback!

I know there are some Lutheran Black Friday sales, too, like on Wicking Vicar ($10 off shirt order using code BLACK at checkout, Black Friday only) and Jennifer Whalen is offering a significant discount on her Lutheran religion curriculum at the Faithful Homeschool. (She also has some cute shirts & mugs.)

I will be actively moving all day Friday. Wow. Feel free to keep us in your prayers. Big changes.

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A Mighty Fortress

With a name like A Mighty Fortress, I thought, “Hey! Maybe the author’s Lutheran!” It was hard to figure it out from searching online, but, yep. A few tell tale signs like the expression “poor, miserable sinner,” and I’m well convinced. So today I’ll review a new-to-me Lutheran author Faith Blum and her Christian western, A Mighty Fortress, Book 1 of Hymns of the West. AND imagine my delight to learn she’s written over 30 books!!!

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Lutheran Latin Books

My family is sick, and we are literally hunkered down just to be sick together. So my plans are largely blown. However, as I do this and that, I thought I could at least throw this post up here: the Lutheran Latin books I’ve gathered for I know, I know. Not everyone knows Latin. But these books would sure help you if you ever want to learn! 😀

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Today I review Lutheran author Ray Keating‘s latest release in his Stephen Grant series: Persecution.

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Christmas at the Amish Market

I do not know how Shelley Shepard Gray writes so many books! Mercy! I just blogged three releases for her in the last month or two! And she’s done it again! This week she released another Christmas novel: Christmas at the Amish Market.

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Concordia Collective Family Lectionary 2023

Do you remember the Family Lectionary I blogged about last year? I blogged about it here and reviewed it here. Well, Jessie Bell has done it again with Family Lectionary 2023! And this time she is offering versions for One-Year AND Three-Year lectionaries!

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Head Under Water Review

Today’s post is my Head Under Water review on Lutheran author Rebecca Lemke‘s second title in her series Geneshifters

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My Rock and My Refuge

Lutheran author Rachel Kovaciny has released her latest, My Rock and My Refuge! Yay! Also I LOVED IT! My review below.

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Persecution: A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel

Who’s ready for Book 16 in the Pastor Stephen Grant Series? 😀 I am! Today you can get exactly that in Lutheran author Ray Keating‘s latest release, Persecution.



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