Head Under Water Review

Today’s post is my Head Under Water review on Lutheran author Rebecca Lemke‘s second title in her series Geneshifters

By the way, to purchase both of the first two Kindle books, go here.

Head Under Water Review

Head Under Water is just as action packed and fast-paced as the first in the series, Blood of Beasts. To summarize, after humanity has been decimated by biological warfare, a program was formed to create super humans, Titans, and in this latest release that includes a mermaid! Some of the newly formed Titans have adjusted better to their new lives better than others, so it is neat to see in this book how some are reaching out to care for the youngest of Titans, some are growing in skill, some are adjusting within society. Still, at least one begins to wonder, what if there is a cure? And what would he be willing to do to get it?

The mermaid can’t speak, although I certainly wouldn’t call this a retelling of the Little Mermaid. Instead it’s another way the series explores what it means to be human and how we can reach out to those who are different.

Keep up the good work, Rebecca Lemke!

I do think that this book is best read as a sequel rather than as a stand alone, although you could do it. There’d just be even more mystery in a world that is still being revealed.

This is a fantasy dystopian that’s clean enough for children ages 12 and up. It is told by various characters’ points of view and is obviously building up to another book in the series. Having said that, it contains a complete story and isn’t a complete cliff hanger.

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review, which I am happy to give. 🙂


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