Monthly Archives: April 2022

A week of blogging thoughts, part 5

My husband has teased me that every hobby I take up I monetize. It’s true. I went from a personal blog to a professional one, from student papers to writing, and even from tinkering on the piano to accompanying church services. I homeschool and started a homeschool site! And, folks, there’s more I want to do! So why don’t I go the way so many other bloggers have and move to a subscription model?

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A week of blogging thoughts, part 4

What I would like to do is read impressive things and become a respected, articulate expert on all sorts of awesome things. However, what I tend to do is read fiction on a treadmill while I try to escape reality half an hour at a time. 

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A week of blogging thoughts, part 3

I don’t believe in mind over matter. The Triune God created us as embodied souls. Mind is not, or should not be, set against other parts of God’s creation. However, I think we all regularly experience attacks against our minds, likely even more than attacks against our bodies.

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A week of blogging thoughts, part 2

Sometimes I get a single thought in my head and I want to write an entire book around it. For example, and maybe I’ve said this before, I want to write a book about the Christian body that addresses dieting and include something along the lines of, “Who hasn’t eaten a runny egg in the hopes of maybe leaving a few calories on the plate? Even if will power doesn’t actually let you?”

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Filed under Blogger's life, My projects, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life

A week of blogging thoughts, part 1

What I like about blogs is that I read faster than I listen or watch. What I like about blogging is that there can be a fine balance between personal and professional. Admitting mistakes is fine, even an active good, but one can protect propriety.

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I miss the days

I miss the days when I’d share ideas that I’d hope others would write. 🙂 Back in the days when I start this blog, I wanted to encourage you to write since I knew I didn’t have time to. But now I’m SO CLOSE to having time to! Ha ha haa

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A Loyal Heart

Today’s review is on A Loyal Heart by Lutheran author Jody Hedlund, in her series, An Uncertain Choice

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A Beginner’s Guide to Bach’s St. John Passion

A blessed Good Friday to you! I interrupt my prewritten review because of a great article from Lutheran Witness: “A Beginner’s Guide to Bach’s St. John Passion.”

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For Love and Honor

My week of prewritten reviews continues! Today’s review is on For Love and Honor by Lutheran author Jody Hedlund, in her series, An Uncertain Choice

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A Daring Sacrifice

My week of prewritten reviews continues! Today’s review is on A Daring Sacrifice by Lutheran author Jody Hedlund, in her series, An Uncertain Choice

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