My husband has teased me that every hobby I take up I monetize. It’s true. I went from a personal blog to a professional one, from student papers to writing, and even from tinkering on the piano to accompanying church services. I homeschool and started a homeschool site! And, folks, there’s more I want to do! So why don’t I go the way so many other bloggers have and move to a subscription model?
Category Archives: Writer Troubles
A week of blogging thoughts, part 3
I don’t believe in mind over matter. The Triune God created us as embodied souls. Mind is not, or should not be, set against other parts of God’s creation. However, I think we all regularly experience attacks against our minds, likely even more than attacks against our bodies.
Filed under Blogger's life, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
A week of blogging thoughts, part 2
Sometimes I get a single thought in my head and I want to write an entire book around it. For example, and maybe I’ve said this before, I want to write a book about the Christian body that addresses dieting and include something along the lines of, “Who hasn’t eaten a runny egg in the hopes of maybe leaving a few calories on the plate? Even if will power doesn’t actually let you?”
Filed under Blogger's life, My projects, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
I love connections. Themes. Hints and foreshadows. The difficulty, however, is that in religious writing how do you know what is really a connection and not a figment of an over-eager imagination?
Filed under As Christian Writers, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
Something Else?!
I’m more entrepreneurial than I ever would have dreamed. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to do three things: write, cook, and discuss theology. That’s it. I wasn’t even one to daydream about marriage or children. To my mind, I’m a shockingly straightforward, consistent girl. You know what I love? Family, words, food, and theology. But what if I don’t really want to write books? What if, after all this time, I’ve thought of something else instead?!
Typing up Notes
Ok. So I’ve got four reviews to post, presumably over the next two and a half weeks. (Sometimes I’m just not in the mood to review. You understood.) Anyway, what I want to talk about now is the irrational fear of typing up notes. 🙂
Filed under Writer Troubles
I don’t wanna
Sometimes good thoughts keep coming to my head. I sit down at my computer and . . . the words just don’t come. I want to write an entire book at that one sitting, but . . . on the other hand, I don’t wanna.
Filed under Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
Test Drive
I get ideas then I try to give them a test drive. I see how much I can write about it.
Filed under Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
There are so many weird hangups in a writer’s life. Am I wrong? For instance, I keep stalling on my poetry project because I keep writing poetry. And, since I’m self-publishing, who’s to say when I should cut myself off?! Even weirder, my latest writing dilemma has to do with turtles.
Automatic Boycott
I read Amazon reviews. I don’t always trust them, but I read them with interest. Imagine my horror, however, when I read this one: “Anyone who ‘receives a complimentary copy’ whether or not for a review automatically makes my “do not buy” list. Automatic boycott.”
Filed under Writer Troubles, Writer's Life