Monthly Archives: June 2017

This week

I’m behind where I wanted to be (VBS week here), but next week I hope to have several positive reviews of Lutheran books/Lutheran authors. 🙂

Yes, yes, I had typos in yesterday’s post. They’re fixed. 🙂 And, at least I know some of you are paying attention!

I am surprised how much writing news has come out this week in our little Lutheran circles (some repetition for those who follow my Facebook author page): Continue reading

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(The) Writing Life

Interested in attending the annual Faith & Writing Workshop, hosted by Concordia Seminary? This year the dates are  July 25-27, 2017, and registration goes until July 17th. Below is a link to an article, “(The) Writing Life” by one of its co-hosts Rev. Travis Scholl, along with some general information about the workshop logistics.

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Filed under As Christian Writers

New editor for LW

Congratulations to Rachel Bomberger, the new editor of The Lutheran Witness! 

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The Child Conundrum

I have another two drafts I’m working on. I don’t want to talk too much about it publicly, but let me know if you’d like to give me any behind-the-scene advice on it. It’s another children’s book, theological in nature, but right now I’m facing what I call the Child Conundrum.

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Filed under Audiences, Question Asked, Writer Troubles

Movie Credits

Have I mentioned my dad’s sage advice about movie credits? It was an early life lesson for me. My family always waited until the very end of the movie to honor all the names in the movie credits.

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Filed under Writer's Life

High Priestly Prayer

I haven’t written up a review of it yet, but I really enjoyed Fred Baue‘s coming book, Flight! I sank into it much quicker than his first book—although it, too, is worth considering, especially if you are interested in musical trends in the United States. But, as I said, my review is still pending. Meanwhile I’ll offer you a short offering for thought from him on the High Priestly Prayer (John 17:1-26).

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Filed under As Christian Writers

Kids in the Divine Service

Hello, everybody. I’ve been gathering free Lutheran resources for my “Crafts and Crafted-for-Free” resource page, and I thought I’d bring you up to speed. The latest add is a set of free PDFs titled Kids in the Divine Service. They were put together by Rev. Christopher Thoma (who was a DCE before becoming an LCMS pastor) and the LCMS Commission on Worship (hm, perhaps former commission on worship).

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Christian Fiction

I meant to post this ages ago: Publisher’s Weekly wrote a piece titled, “Christian Fiction Keeps its Allure.”

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Filed under Audiences, Writer's Life

Casting Stones

LCMS Deaconess Heidi Goehmann has released another women’s Bible study! Casting Stones: A Study of Ecclesiastes 3 (An I Love My Shepherd Study) is now available through Amazon in kindle and book format.

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Filed under Bible Studies, New Release

Writing about Sleep

Does it sound dumb that I kind of want to try my hand writing about sleep? It wouldn’t exactly be about sleep. I actually think it’d be an interesting angle to see just how applicable biblical theology is.

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Filed under My projects, Theological reflection, Writer's Life