I’m behind where I wanted to be (VBS week here), but next week I hope to have several positive reviews of Lutheran books/Lutheran authors. 🙂
Yes, yes, I had typos in yesterday’s post. They’re fixed. 🙂 And, at least I know some of you are paying attention!
I am surprised how much writing news has come out this week in our little Lutheran circles (some repetition for those who follow my Facebook author page):
- Rachel Bomberger as new editor of The Lutheran Witness
- Awards for two authors from the Canadian Lutheran magazine (announced here)
- Michael Schutz, First Place in the coveted “Magazine Feature” category for his article “Driven from Distraction.”
- Ted Giese, First Place in the category “Media Review” for his film review of X-Men: Apocalypse.
- Veteran newsman Joe Isenhower retired, causing staff changes for the Reporter
- Paula Schlueter Ross, new managing editor
- Cheryl Magness, managing editor for Reporter Online and Senior Staff Writer for LCMS Communications
Wowwie!! Woo hoo, everybody!
And, for all the rest of us, happy Fourth of July weekend! 🙂