Monthly Archives: May 2018

Lutheran Novels

Hello. My name is Mary Moerbe, and I am not as on top of things as I should be. I have Lutheran novels I meant to read a year or two ago! So, wish me luck, because I hope this is the summer I start to catch up. 🙂 My twins are mostly potty-trained, I’m more or less making progress on my own writing projects . . . this may be the time!

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Filed under Blogger's life, Reading List

Lutheran Settings

This will be one of at least two posts happily inspired by CPH’s soon-to-be-released A Flame in the Dark: A Novel about Luther’s Reformation by LCMS author Sarah Baughman. Today I’ll talk a little about Lutheran settings (and point out the GoodRead giveaway for her book!!).

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Filed under Books to Purchase, New Release

CPH Reads

Ladies and gentlemen, this past Saturday marked the beginning of CPH Reads, this year’s CPH summer reading challenge. It runs through August 5, 2018 and anyone can participate, including non-readers who can be read to. 🙂

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We All Believe in One True God

We All Believe in One True God

147 page Board Book

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I read a GREAT book today and now don’t have time to write up something for the morning post. Sorry! This has been a vacation week for my husband, but I expect to get back to regular scheduling Monday.

PS. Resubscribe! That’s the safest way for me to get compliant to the European law bloggers everywhere are stressing about. 🙂

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Reading Challenge

I guess I should be honest and say that not all reading challenges have been all that great. Earlier this year I joined two secular ones and I’m starting to think that the modern novel is downright and methodically depressing. BUT . . .

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Messenger Trilogy sale!!!

I heard there is a one-day only sale on the Messenger Trilogy through CPH! Woo hoo! Get it here!


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Seven Random Books

A friend tagged me on Facebook to post seven book covers with zero explanation. Cool! So here they are: seven random books, only using better pictures than I can take. 🙂

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Internet is down. ATT must have a problem around here. Sorry! I will post whenever I am online again. ☺

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In the Beginning, God

Today’s post is a brief review of In the Beginning, God by Dr. Joel Heck, who has served on at least two respected Concordia faculty.

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