Monthly Archives: March 2017

Respect and Neighbor

I’ve had a nugget of a thought. Maybe you guys can help me untie the knot a little. It has to do with respect and neighbor.

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Filed under Shared Writing Ideas, Theological reflection


I must have flaked out somewhere, because I posted a link prematurely yesterday. In it Katie Schuermann offers great writing advice! I particularly like her line that no one has time to write a book. So true!!! Anyway, I hope you check out that article here.

Today’s post just asks, “How about a Bible study on the cities of refuge?” Yes, refugees are a serious topic and, yes, the church should address it quickly and effectively. Still, I think a Bible study specifically on the cities of refuge could stir up a lot of questions about unintentional crime and sin, just punishments, etc. I think this, too, would be very timely for discussions within the church, and who has studied it on a Sunday morning?

Our modern concept of refuge and refugees is . . . harder to discuss when comparing with our nomadic fathers of the faith, for instance. And, conflating modern connotations with ancient practices makes for tricky language-work sometimes.

What do you think? Want to tackle the Cities of Refuge? Or do you have any great insights into how a Bible study could address modern notions of refuge and refuges?

In the meantime, love and serve your neighbors, whoever and wherever may they be! 🙂

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Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers, Shared Writing Ideas, Writing Tips

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Free Bible Study for Hope and Healing

The LCMS has just published a free Bible study for victims of sexual abuse! Here’s the link.

And, I have a crazy idea: let’s continue to make free resources for those who have suffered sexually and those affected by domestic violence, too!! There are some good Lutheran bloggers out there who tackle some of the issues and concerns, so feel free to list those as comments.

(It’s super stormy here in tornado alley as I write this, so I’d better shut off the computer and pack a good ol’ storm bag! I’ll add more if I can find time to.) Happy writing!

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Crafts and Crafted for Free Resource Page!

I’ve finally got it: a resource page people should add to their blog-rolls. “Crafts and Crafted-for-Free Resources” is a free resource page listing free Lutheran Bible studies, devotions, coloring pages, books, etc., and listing websites, Facebook pages, and Etsy shops with Lutheran owners. The theme is reflected in the title: Crafts and Crafted-for-Free Resources. 🙂

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Filed under Bible Studies, Resource

Free Marriage Booklet

I love free resources, and even more I love seeing the Church in action, sharing the merciful love of the Gospel as well as precious wisdom along the way. Want a free marriage booklet? A good Lutheran one?! I do! And, I’m very excited to see that someone has had exactly that idea. Below is a link to a post with a download. A Lutheran pastor is looking for feedback on this pre-release form, and he hopes to have a finalized version available around Eastertime. AWESOME!

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Filed under As Christian Writers

Barren Beginnings, Part 3

I’ve been sitting on this last of three sessions for the Bible study, “Barren Beginnings” for a few days. I’m just not sure about it yet, so I would especially welcome your comments or suggestions on writing or content. Am I stating when I ought to be leading with questions? Is it too long, being half a page longer than the other two sessions? Is it less friendly to a broad audience? The previous parts are here and here.

And, once it’s in semi-final form, I’ll post it somewhere so you can download and print it for free use—probably on a new resource page! 🙂

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Filed under Bible Studies, Resource


I attended a great church workers’ conference early this week and I am so thankful for all the good stuff rolling around in my head now! I’m still short on sleep so this post will be a brief one. It’s occurred to me that I do not realize how vulnerable I am. And, vulnerability is part of why we pray, both motivating us in humility toward God and instigating us to pray all the more against evil and the devil!

As writers, vulnerability is an important facet to our craft. We sneak into our readers’ place. We wiggle into characters and finagle scenarios. We exploit plots, lead through loop holes, etc.

So, if you’re just looking for something to think about today, think about just how vulnerable you are, and just how soundly our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ rescues us from death, the devil, and our own sinful flesh!

Thanks be to God!

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Filed under As Christian Writers

Sometimes when you’re giving thanks for little things—like a nice long sleep after good company—you get a day behind on your blog. But, boy, do I have more ideas and content for the days to come! 🙂

Happy writing!

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Art Therapy

Along the lines of yesterday: I don’t know too much about art therapy, but today I’m linking to an article by Vanessa Rasanen in which creativity helps her keep, and seek, balance. I thought writers would be able to relate and appreciate the perspective!

I may not be able to craft visual arts, but I do think beauty is tremendously underrated. May God’s gifts in beauty be therapeutic to us all.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, Writer's Life