These days when I’ve sat down to write, I find myself puzzled. I have ideas in a few different genres and projects at various stages of progress. You’d think I could sit down and write what I want, right? Somehow it isn’t happening that way for me right now.
Monthly Archives: December 2017
Early Manuscript Readers
I have a manuscript about ready for me to work up a proposal. It’s another children’s book, and the largest hurdle, as always, will be image ideas. What amuses me some is how I have my husband read it through for theological concerns and then my oldest daughter for readability. 🙂 This time she had me add back a few words I’d crossed out! LOL Not all but some.
Filed under My projects
Twelve Hymns for the Twelve Days of Christmas
Merry Christmas and blessed Saint Stephen!
I do not know why some links end up pretty and some remain the same. Whatever. I still recommend this link. 🙂
Filed under Hymns
Merry Christmas!
14 My heart for very joy must leap;
My lips no more can silence keep.
I, too must sing with joyful tongue
That sweetest ancient cradlesong:
15 Glory to God in highest heav’n,
Who unto us His Son has giv’n!
While angels sing with pious mirth
A glad new year to all the earth.
Lutheran Service Book, #358, stanzas 14-15
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Simple Ways to Market
I’m excited to announce/”vague-blog” that someone I respect is on the verge of publishing a children’s book! Woo hoo! As such, I’d like to run through some really simple ways to market for a first (or subsequent!) book.
Filed under Marketing, Question Asked
Luther Font
My dad cracks me up sometimes, but I think he’s on to something here. Basically, a typographer has had the idea of creating a Luther Font for computers!
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State of Lutheranism
I’ll spare myself trying to critique the current state of Lutheranism on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, but the latest issue of the Journal of Lutheran Mission addresses just that.
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Mystery Book
Funny thing happened. I received a book in the mail. Ok, maybe that’s not surprising, but I didn’t recognize the title, author, or who the recipient could be if it’s a Christmas gift. It’s just a mystery book. With a signature from the author address “To Elsa”! The plot thickens.
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Progress Indicators
I hope by now I’ve established that I want to encourage you, especially to write. Now, sure, I’d like to sell a few books along the way so now and again I look up things about “author websites” and blah blah blah. Well, A) apparently I’m not going to be giving any advice about “author websites,” and B) it’s apparently a thing to have progress indicators.
Filed under Marketing, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life