Do you have a philosophy, strategy, or tactic for organizing books? Because I need help.
Category Archives: Question Asked
Life Lessons
There are life lessons I prefer to learn by reading. I’m very thankful for much that I have read. On the other hand, I wish I could find a few books so I could better understand situations like chronic illness and sudden drastic diagnoses. Not because I need to learn how to react, show sympathy, or support, but . . . what I sometimes need to grapple with is the ongoing situation. That that which is mundane can also be extraordinary-yet-hidden.
Filed under Question Asked, Resource
Simple Ways to Market
I’m excited to announce/”vague-blog” that someone I respect is on the verge of publishing a children’s book! Woo hoo! As such, I’d like to run through some really simple ways to market for a first (or subsequent!) book.
Filed under Marketing, Question Asked
Press Releases
Were you ever taught how to read a newspaper article? Maybe that sounds funny, but I remember it distinctly. I want to say it was around fifth or sixth grade for me. The most important information was supposed to be in the first and last paragraphs. The first paragraph had a catch, something you care about, and the last paragraph offered closer or a possible next step. It occurred to me that that’s applicable for us if we ever want to write, or help write, press releases.
Filed under Question Asked, Writer's Life, Writing Tools
Who Chooses Illustrator?
When working toward a children’s picture book, who chooses the illustrator? Many traditional publishing houses prefer to pick one from previous projects. That way they can pair a better known name with a lesser known name and try to maximize visibility and lend experience to both. On the other hand, you may know people the publishing houses do not. If you do, then “who chooses the illustrator” can become a factor in where or how to publish.
Filed under Publishing, Question Asked, Writer Troubles
Ideally How Many Publishers
Ideally how many publishers should a prolific author have? It’s a somewhat ridiculous question, maybe, but it’s mine. Since I know of smaller publishers, should I spread around my proposals? Or should I try ever larger publishers?
Filed under Publishing, Question Asked, Writer's Life
Parents of Writers
I know my menu is already clunky with webpages, but I’ve thought of one more. Once again, I’d like your help as you’re able to lend it. 🙂 Let’s help parents of writers! What would you put on a Parenting Writers page? How can we help and support? What are a few basics that can equip those alongside the writing game to safeguard writing kids?
Filed under Question Asked, Resource, Writer's Life
Vocational Jumpstarts
Odds are good that you’ve experienced a writing drought. Maybe you’re in a slump. Or a funk. Maybe too many other things are just flooding your schedule, but today I thought we could address vocational jumpstarts and how that can help us jump back into writing, too.
The Child Conundrum
I have another two drafts I’m working on. I don’t want to talk too much about it publicly, but let me know if you’d like to give me any behind-the-scene advice on it. It’s another children’s book, theological in nature, but right now I’m facing what I call the Child Conundrum.
Filed under Audiences, Question Asked, Writer Troubles
Writing for Magazines and Websites
Freelance writing includes searching for opportunities, and a main opportunity is writing for magazines and websites. Thankfully we have a guest post today, in interview format, to address some of our most common questions. Thanks go to Rebekah Curtis and Nicole M. King!
Filed under Interview, Question Asked, Resource, Writing Tips