I just wrapped up a little project, putting together a list of weekly hymns for the church year. Although I love having a hymn of the week through Around the Word, which we use for daily devotions, I’m a homeschooler. Apparently I wanted something a little more vast to supplement our home hymnody: an organized and scheduled tool to help maximize hymn-learning & -appreciation!
Tag Archives: hymnody
Rejoice, O Zion! Sing!
Yay yay yay! I’m especially excited to tell you about this new release: Alan Kornacki’s Rejoice, O Zion! Sing! Hymns for the Lutheran Service Book One-Year Lectionary and Other Occasions!
Filed under Devotional, Hymns, Poetry
Ecclesial Poetry Release
Ladies & gentlemen, I’m thrilled to announce that my latest book, Ecclesial Poetry, is now available!
Filed under Hymns, My projects, New Release, Poetry
Metrical Index
Have you ever wondered about the Metrical Index commonly found in hymnals? Let me explain.
Kurt Weber
I learned about something delightful that I get to share about. 🙂 It falls more under Lutheran resource than Lutheran authors, though maybe I can argue that composing is writing, too! For your pleasure:
Hymns That I Love: Solo Piano arrangements of Confessional Hymns, composed and arranged by Kurt Weber.
Church Year Poem
I’ve been thinking about poetry as a genre and writing some myself. I may even put together a book of it, just for fun. I’m thinking the title could be something like Theological Connections. Anyway, here is a post that caught my attention with its explanation and summary of the church year in poetic/hymn form. I’ve printed the poem up and think I’ll use it for homeschooling. Thanks, Robin Fish! (And, readers, if you’ve forgotten, now’s a good time to check out Rev. Fish’s book, Useful Hymns (Expanded edition published in 2017).
Lutheran Songbird Project
I found out about a charming new project: The Lutheran Songbird Project. The goal?
The LSP seeks to provide high quality vocals for some of the most beloved Christian songs and hymns of all time. All songs are public domain.
Filed under Resource
Commemoration of Hymnwriters
Happy Commemoration of Hymnwriters Philipp Nicolai, Johann Heermann and Paul Gerhardt! 🙂 I know. You all made cakes to honor it, didn’t you. Still it’s a good day to honor the writers who came before us and have blessed generations with their powerful texts and biblical messages! Raise a glass or a song!
In more Reformational news, I’ve got a selection of Reformation videos to share with you today.
Filed under Resource
Kloria’s Two New Reformation Books
I got a press release from Kloria Publishing about Kloria’s two new Reformation books: A Mighty Fortress is Our God and Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word. I’ve written about Kloria and their previous release, God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say It, and I’m thrilled to say the excerpts of these illustrated hymn texts look just as good!
Filed under New Release, Resource
Learn Organ-Free Resource
In gathering for my somewhat random Lutheran free resource page, I’ve sort of sought far and wide. Finally, a thought really struck a chord! Learn organ-free resource!!! We all know there’s a growing shortage of organ-players, and I think it’s safe to say that’s in part because there are fewer and fewer organ teachers at local levels. Guess what I found?
Filed under Resource