Lutheran professor Dr. Thomas Korcok (which I believe is pronounced more like Core-chalk) has just released a second book: Serpents in the Classroom: The Poisoning of Modern Education & How the Church Can Cure it.
Tag Archives: Lutheran education
Serpents in the Classroom
Filed under New Release
Worshiping with Angels and Archangels: An Introduction to the Divine Service
My review of Worshiping with Angels and Archangels: An Introduction to the Divine Service by
Scot Kinnaman.
Filed under Reviews
Free Courses
Hi. Now is probably not the time to sign up to take some free courses online. Or, is it? The way many of these work is you get a daily or weekly email with a video embedded or linked. You can actually DO them whenever you get around to it. So . . . it’s totally a gift to the world, humanity, and, in some of these awesome cases, the church!
Filed under Resource
Building Faith One Child at a Time
Sometimes you may want to read a book to help stimulate your own thinking. That is, you kind of expect to disagree on things,or maybe you’re just not quite in the mood to read it but you think it’d be good for you. Anyway, you know a book may offer food for thought on the topic. For me, Building Faith One Child at a Time was such a book.
Filed under Reviews, Theological reflection
Church Year Poem
I’ve been thinking about poetry as a genre and writing some myself. I may even put together a book of it, just for fun. I’m thinking the title could be something like Theological Connections. Anyway, here is a post that caught my attention with its explanation and summary of the church year in poetic/hymn form. I’ve printed the poem up and think I’ll use it for homeschooling. Thanks, Robin Fish! (And, readers, if you’ve forgotten, now’s a good time to check out Rev. Fish’s book, Useful Hymns (Expanded edition published in 2017).
The Peloponnesian Press
There are so many ways to write. It’s a beautiful thing with tons of opportunities, for service, for fun, etc. So I thought I’d share one with you today, highlighting a section called “The Peloponnesian Press.”
Filed under Uncategorized