Tag Archives: CPH

In my household

Ok, CPH, this one’s for you. If you’ve ever doubted your place in my household, let this story settle any perceived issue.

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Preacher of the Cross

 As I wrap up my reading for the CPH summer reading program, I thought, “What two slim books can wrap this up for me?” (Time’s getting a little tight.) I immediately thought about Rev. John T Pless and his latest release, Martin Luther, Preacher of the Cross: A Study of Luther’s Pastoral Theology.

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Read Like a Lutheran 2017

I hadn’t heard they were doing it again, but apparently they are. CPH is once again offering the “Read like a Lutheran” summer reading program. They’ve tweaked the read.cph.org website and, so far, it seems easier than ever. 🙂

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A Few Links

Here are a few links I recently discovered. Probably silly that it took me so long, but just maybe it’s taken you this long, also. 🙂

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CPH Peer Review

I really don’t mean to encourage only LCMS Lutherans to publish only through Concordia Publishing House. Lutherans of the world, write! Publish wherever you please! In every language! In a wide variety of genres! Still, today’s post is for those of us interested in working with non-fiction, and how CPH may be a very viable option. Have you heard about the CPH Peer Review process?

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CPH Summer Reading Program

I feel like I should plug this sooner rather than later, so here we go. Concordia Publishing House is having another CPH summer reading program: Read Like a Lutheran 2016.

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