Tag Archives: Amazon

Amazon Affiliates

Maybe it’s because I’m home with my young children, but I often think in terms of “becoming a responsible adult.” So, after reading a blog post about the need for bloggers to make proper disclosure, I though, “Shoot! Become a responsible adult!” I tweaked my website a bit and hopefully now I’m better up to snuff. Anyway, Amazon Affiliates. I do it. It’s free. It’s awesome. If you put yourself out there promoting your books, especially if you have your own website, there’s no reason not to do it.





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Filed under Resource, Writer's Life

A Few Links

Here are a few links I recently discovered. Probably silly that it took me so long, but just maybe it’s taken you this long, also. 🙂

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GoodRead Giveaways

Let’s talk about Giveaways. Amazon and Goodreads offer two easy methods. GoodRead Giveaways, from my point of view, has an edge on their competition.

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Amazon Author Central

I like Amazon like I like google. In fact, I might be slightly more likely to do a quick search on Amazon. So when there is a book or author I like, I turn to Amazon. (Ok, or to Facebook if I might have a connection.) Anyway, Amazon seems really good to writers, so I thought we could explore Amazon Author Central today.

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Filed under Marketing, Resource, Writer's Life, Writing Tools