The Brothers of John the Steadfast (aka
Steadfast Lutherans) have published a new book of sermons, this time by the excellent Rev. Rolf Preus! Here is the announcement about A Year of Law & Gospel Preaching: Postil of Sermons on the One-Year Lectionary.
Tag Archives: Law & Gospel
Law & Gospel Preaching
Filed under New Release
Lutheran Writing
You know how you aren’t supposed to say certain things? I don’t mean cuss words. I mean that there are all these people who want you to live a life by law: do this, that, and the other, and then you’ll be a real writer. Want to know what real Lutheran writing is? Writing from the Gospel.
Filed under As Christian Writers
Law & Gospel for Writers-Redeeming
The series goes on with Part V. Today’s post is hinged more on the Gospel: redeeming!
I’m a little torn how long to let this series run. Any suggestions? I know I have readers, but you lot sure can be quiet. 😉 I have other announcements building up, so next week the series may not run consecutive days.
Filed under As Christian Writers, Theological reflection, Writer's Life
Law & Gospel for Writers, Part IV-Freedom
Our next installment in our Law & Gospel for Writers series will look at more of the vocation-y side of things. In Part II, we looked at binding. Today, Part IV will look into its opposite: freedom.
Law & Gospel for Writers, Part III Written
Welcome again to our series on Law & Gospel for Writers (See Part I and Part II). Today we’re going to stray just a little. After distinctions about the Law, we’re going to look at a distinction of sorts about the Gospel. Don’t worry: we’ll look at what is written in Scripture. Though, please, correct me if I’m wrong! 🙂 Continue reading
Law & Gospel for Writers, Part II-Binding
Yesterday, in my new series, Law & Gospel for Writers, I introduced a few distinctions about the Law and asked whether you are thinking in terms of enough. Today, in Part II, a central concept will be binding. Are you binding yourself under rules? Are you sometimes tempted to think that being bound is actually better, more productive, or more successful?
Law & Gospel for Writers, Part I
Hello! Today I’m starting Day 1 of my first series: Law & Gospel for Writers. In this, I hope to explore elements of Law & Gospel discourse, of course, but it will focus on writers, writing, and common characteristics of writer’s life. Now, each post may not be as polished as I’d hoped but I hope that together we can come up with a helpful little course that maybe I can offer as an email course sometime. In part these are things it’s just good and helpful to hear. Just maybe it can be a more focused “consolation of the brethren” among fellow writers.
If I say something you disagree with, please do let me know.
Necessary Distinction
Today is the release day for The Necessary Distinction: A Continuing Conversation on Law & Gospel!
Filed under As Theological Writers, Books to Purchase
The Necessary Distinction
I got behind on finishing Pless’s Handling the Word of Truth since I set it down . . . somewhere . . . but a five star review is still coming from me for that reread. In the meantime, I found out about a new book set to come out from CPH titled The Necessary Distinction: A Continuing Conversation on Law and Gospel.
Filed under Books to Purchase
Help Church Worker Wellness
This post is particularly for LCMS church workers or their families about a project that may be able to help us all, rostered or otherwise. 🙂 Heidi Goehmann is helping to put together a collection of 30 free devotions to help church worker wellness within the LCMS. There will be a synod church worker wellness site offering them as free PDFs and then everyone can benefit! The premise is worker-to-worker, hence the restriction on who writes for it.