It’s good to be writing again. I took some time off, in the sense that blogging doesn’t always count in my current mode of thinking, and it’s always a little scary wondering when I will feel up to it again. In part because, something introduced to me through an idea in that Great Course I mentioned long ago, writing takes emotional capital. I’m thankful that easing up the pressure on myself helped me more easily get back in the swing!
I think a lower-pressure attitude will also help me with something big: writing my for my audience. I can get so excited, or I can get so exactly, that things aren’t always as clear or to the point as they should be.
Maybe this is a whole new me and I’ll be simpler in organization, too. That would be stellar.
My latest project would be a book all my own. Instead of exacting my subject to death, I’m going to see if I can only plan and write chapters I actually want to write.
Ok, ok, I know this sounds like common sense rather than a profound discovery. Still, experiencing things is different from knowing them.
A trick will be to keep my pesky ambition at bay. I don’t think I could be so relaxed (Who am I kidding? I’m way too excited to be relaxed.) if I had a proposal pending.
Oh. Proposals pending. I have two of those. Children’s books. One on the holy spirit for a slightly older age than my kiddo books tend toward. One on the means of grace: I mean, come on, don’t Lutheran parents want a cute-yet-accurate, memorable book on the means of grace?! Doesn’t it scream out that it should be?
Anyway, I won’t turn this blog into just writing about me or my projects, but you’ll excuse me if I find myself fodder for a writing blog, too. 🙂
Back in the swing and it feels good. I’ll get tired. Clouds will come. I’ll lack time. Ambition will cloud my judgment, and that judgment may cut me right and left some of these days. But, boy, I’m glad I’m back in the swing!
PS. Here is a little interview I did with CPH about Blessed: God’s Gift of Love.