Today’s post is a bit eclectic. It includes my review of Liber Hymnorum: The Latin Hymns of the Lutheran Church, as well as two GoodRead Giveaways from Lutheran authors.
Liber Hymnorum
Essentially, this book is a Lutheran hymnal half in English, half in Latin,drawing on Lutheran songbooks from the 15th and 16th centuries to add to the hymns available for our devotional and catechetical lives.
Liber Hymnorum will be a powerful resource in our house. As a liturgical Lutheran, I am thankful to have another devotional tool, especially one with simple, beautiful melodies and meaningful text. I am humbled and pleased that this hymnal can emphasize our continuity of the faith over generations and centuries!
As a classical homeschooler, I’m thrilled to have another Latin resource with my children. It will be a way for the whole family to learn together, and, though it might sound surprising, chant tones are so child-friendly! Without rigid rhythms, the family can breath and sing together, holding each note as long as it takes. Granted, the musical notation in the Latin section is not as easy to read as the English, but once the tunes are familiar from the English first half, I don’t expect it to be a problem.
The historical preface is interesting and offers powerful reflections on how earlier Lutheran practices can inform and shape our own, and overall I am just tremendously pleased with this book.
This will be a great resource for liturgical Lutherans, families, catechizers, homeschoolers, Latin students, and anyone interested in history, theology, Lutheranism, or the Reformation. Thank you, Matthew Carver, for your work, and thank you, Emmanuel Press, for publishing it! A book of hymns, indeed!
Without This Ring
A new book from CPH is part of a Goodreads Giveaway, so I thought I’d mention it: Without This Ring by Donna Pyle. I haven’t seen the book. I’m not particularly familiar with the author. Jesus, did, however die for the divorced, and Lutheranism can offer much in response to the crosses, pains, and trials of this world. Hence, I’ll spread word about this chance to win a free book.
While we are at it, maybe we can pray for those who suffer because of divorce.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Without This Ring
by Donna Pyle
Giveaway ends October 10, 2016.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Family Vocation
My own Scriptural understanding of divorce is addressed briefly in Family Vocation: God’s Calling in Marriage, Parenthood, and Childhood, and the giveaway for that ends very soon!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Family Vocation
by Gene Edward Veith Jr.
Giveaway ends October 01, 2016.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.