Temporary-but-timely* freebie now available: The Great American Eclipse Bible Study. From what I gather, people from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, created ConcordiaTheology.org as a forum for conversation between theological perspectives and to help cultivate “a vigorous life of the mind in service to the Gospel.”
From its about page:
ConcordiaTheology.org is a space where theology happens, where theological thinking intersects current events, contemporary cultures, and global society.
ConcordiaTheology.org also provides a range of resources to support pastors and congregations in their preaching, teaching, and ministry within their communities.
So onto my Freebie list it goes.
Meanwhile, grab the Great American Eclipse and enjoy the show to come, if you can. 🙂 A study on “our creaturely sense of wonder” sounds interesting and pertinent to writers, certainly (as though there are Bible passages that aren’t). It is written by Rev. Dr. Charles Arand.
*I saw temporary because the eclipse will pass. Hopefully they’ll keep it up as a study on wonder. I just don’t know if they’ll rename it or anything.