Hello! I’m going to turn my attention to the topic of writing freedom for an upcoming series. Have questions, concerns, and ethical quandaries you’d like me to address? Just let me know. I hope to write up a full week’s worth of posts and dedicate the week of February 12-16th to them.
Thus far, I hope to address writing freedom as pertains to
- Expectations
- Contracts/deadlines
- Content
- Structure
- Possible a little Law & Gospel discourse
How does that sound? I’m going to try to write ahead more, so let me know if there are additional series you’d like to see. 🙂
I’m also taking some time–after a full year of blogging now!–to make sure I’ve set things up in a user-friendly, professional way. (Let me know if anything annoys you or if you have any suggestions.) So far things are going pretty well! My most popular resource is the list of Living Lutheran Authors and its received more than 3,000 visits! And, my page listing Lutheran crafters, crafts, and free Lutheran resources has hit over 1,000, too.
I won’t lie. I’d like these numbers to grow and word to spread. Meanwhile, stay tuned for the upcoming series on writing freedom and another year of encouraging you to write. 🙂
Write on!
PS. I will try very, very hard to not post an entry entirely of writing Valentine’s Day puns, but it is taking a LOT of personal willpower. Ha! But they’re so . . . so . . . WRITE FOR ME! lol