Today I get to tell you about two great resources from Lutheran author and pastor B. Keith Haney! First, CPH has published a downloadable study, One National Under God: Healing Racial Divides in America. (Click on the picture for that since my link seems to be both correct & not working. Sorry!) Second, Rev. Haney is offering something like 10 opportunities to join a One National Under God: Healing Racial Divides in America webinar Bible study.
Great. Absolutely great.
Rev. Haney blogs at The Light Breaks Through. He also offers professional services to congregations, including diversity training, various workshops, and congregational assessment tools. He also has a Facebook page here.
Maybe at this point I should mention that he serves as Assistant to the President for Missions, Human Care, and Stewardship in Iowa District West. 🙂 He has been an ordained Lutheran pastor for 27 years and has serving multi-ethnic urban congregations in Detroit, St. Louis, and Milwaukee.
FWIW, I love his conversion story here.
I’ll add him to my list of Living Lutheran Authors here. 🙂
You may also be interested in this report, Racism and the Church, from the Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. It discusses racial issues, including “a definition of racism, the necessity of a Christian response to it, a biblical perspective on racism, barriers to overcoming it and guiding principles.”