Prophecy in the Mist

A new Lutheran author and a recent release to tell you about! TJP Lewis published his first novel just last week, Prophecy in the Mist: The Chronicles of Travis the Texan Tome I


This book looks like another case of genre-bending crossover, suitable for YA & adult audiences. 🙂 A (Lutheran) Texas teen with some girl troubles gets caught up into a paranormal world based on Celtic mythology. Who knows what prophecy in the mist could swirl through a book like this? 

Mr. Lewis calls it a paranormal fantasy fiction romance with what he hopes will be seen as realistic characters, who “though flawed, their faith gives them the strength to overcome adversity as they quite literally save each other.”

It’s all 5-star reviews so far, and, to be honest, I think TJP Lewis had me at 1) modern adaptation of myths interacting with Christianity, and 2) were-beasts. (I can’t help it. :))

I chatted with the author briefly. There’s some steaminess, but nothing too far, and he put effort into ensuring the story doesn’t contradict Scripture. He didn’t name it YA although he listed age level as 13 or older.

So, just to lay it all out there for you, this book is for those who root for cowboys, have Celtic interests, enjoy myth crossovers (especially Celtic mythology!), Texans who can’t help but read everything Texas, (Was that too much of an Okie thing to say? Ha haa) or any and all interested readers intrigued by Christian paranormal or taking a chance on something a little different. 

Only $2.99 for the Kindle version. Also available through Kindle Unlimited. Easy way to support another Lutheran!

TJP Lewis’s website is

And welcome, welcome to my growing list of living Lutheran authors! Which I’d like to resort with more specific genres someday. Someday! (Unless a few of you would like to help me? Pretty please?)



1 Comment

Filed under New Release

One Response to Prophecy in the Mist

  1. Thank you, I just found this review. God bless you and your family. FYI, I am finishing up with the sequel. Since I have grown as a writer, I have decided to release a 2nd addition to my first novel when I release Return From the Mist.

    TJP Lewis

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