Thought I’d pass along a recommendation I saw on Facebook the other day about Lutheran Rev. Joseph Seiss’s book, Holy Types: The Gospel in Leviticus.
This is an electronic reprint of book from 1866.
Joseph Augustus Seiss (1823–1904) was an American theologian and Lutheran pastor. He published a lot: more than a hundred works during his lifetime, and this one focuses on Levitical ceremonies, types, and, well, the Gospel in Leviticus. 🙂
Now, if you’re looking for a Lutheran contemporary on the subject, you’re looking for Rev. Dr. John Kleinig, who is wonderful in all sorts of ways, and his Concordia Commentary on Leviticus. (Kleinig has actually released a new book so I’ll blog that soon!)
But Seiss is still significant. I heard that CTSFW President Larry Rast did his PhD on Joseph Seiss!
To quote a stranger from Facebook (sorry, I know):
Seiss asks “what is the Gospel?” His answer: “It is God’s proclamation of a plan of mercy to sinners. It is the divine revelation of grace to fallen man. It is the publication of forgiveness and eternal life through the mediation of Jesus Christ. Hence, whatever announces Christ as the Redeemer, and holds forth forgiveness and salvation through him, comprises and proclaims the Gospel.” Seiss sees Leviticus as presenting types and figures of Christ that foreshadow his coming and work of redemption.
Sounds super interesting to me. Typology is very interesting.