There’s a new local book club and I’m kind of excited about it. Everyone is welcome and the meeting consists of a super yummy patio meal at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. I haven’t gone yet and I probably wouldn’t know anyone, which, you know, makes it sound like a “city-exotic” experience. Ha ha haa
Anyway, so I’ve been reading multiple books at the same time and I just finished up the book for that club, on the off chance that I take a night out on the town rather than my usual stay-home existence.
The book was not as bad as its worst Amazon reviews made it out to be. I had no trouble reading it and it could have been written in a much more violent, triggering manner, although it certainly involved terrible things.
I seem to have entirely different criticisms, including it had no plot, no character development, and actually maybe the book itself lacked character.
It was a thriller. (I can enjoy those!) But it was like the author imagined one scenario and wrote a book.
So, fellow-writers, what do we think about that? A single long scene wouldn’t necessarily need character development (though I wish a bit more character could have been shown). Among us are many non-fiction writers, so it isn’t like plots are essential to the writing process.
To me, it’s very modern to do without a plot. Am I crazy? Is that even true?
The book also had multiple false endings. A whole string of them. I was kind of annoyed. But, honestly, The Lord of the Rings does that and I won’t be writing a paper finding fault with it there.
So it was just a little odd to think about this book, wondering if I should have talking points to add to discussions, and I apparently don’t have an overarching philosophy to explain why I found it relatively empty. I do, however, have theological ones to say that the author appeared to take pains to show that the moment itself was what characters drew strength from (both the protagonist and the antagonist) and I found that not only bizarre but contradictory. It’s like the author didn’t know to go so far as to infer luck and yet he wanted a sweeping feel as though there were reasons—or dare I say influence—behind the actual turnout. Leaving even the protagonist creepy and the world still likely overall hopeless.
Not a Lutheran author. Not a Lutheran book. I wish the author well. My criticisms are admittedly nebulous. Ha haa Still it got me thinking.
On a more personal note, our house is having plumbing problems that could prove significant. Please say a prayer for us if you don’t mind.