Hi. So I’m working on a project, and I’m trying to gather as many Veith papers and presentations as I can find. Or, perhaps I should say, as many as we can find.
(Isn’t my daddy handsome?)
Hi. So I’m working on a project, and I’m trying to gather as many Veith papers and presentations as I can find. Or, perhaps I should say, as many as we can find.
(Isn’t my daddy handsome?)
Filed under My projects
The Spirituality of the Cross is an excellent book by Gene Edward Veith. Perhaps my favorite of his (though lesser known gems include The Gift of Art: The Place of the Arts in Scripture and Loving God with All Your Mind: Thinking as a Christian in the Postmodern World) . Spirituality of the Cross conveys both content and vernacular language with which to communicate theological substance, but, better yet, it is so well-written! I reread it yesterday, and I still marvel. It is inspirational to me, as a Lutheran and as a Lutheran writer.
Filed under As Theological Writers, Books to Purchase, Reviews
Authentic Christianity: How Lutheran Theology Speaks to a Postmodern World
How did I miss knowing this release date?! Ok, one day late, at least this way I can take someone else’s post about it! 🙂 Yesterday, a new Lutheran book hit the market, written by Gene Veith and Trevor Sutton: Authentic Christianity: How Lutheran Theology Speaks to a Postmodern World.
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Filed under New Release
Tagged as cultural commentary, Cultural questions, Lutherans get it right, Reformation realism, Veith