It’s Lent, a time to remember Christ in His humiliation, with His suffering and death for our salvation. It is not the only time to be mortifying our flesh, but I’m thankful there is a time when people are more likely to teach about sin—it’s not like understanding it comes naturally!—and healthy practices of the church. Now, I won’t blog today about fasting, but below I’ll address a bit about Lutheran writers, such us present company, mortifying our flesh.
I’m really thankful Jesus doesn’t generally call us to be crucified. Rather, He sends us the trials, challenges, and—best yet—relationships, which can help us focus on His own provision for body and soul, life and the life to come.
Too much talk about mortifying our flesh centers on ourselves. As though we are in life and death control over our flesh as St. Paul speaks of it (ex. Romans 7).
“I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out” (Romans 7:18).
This Lent I’d like to remind us all that God provides for our mortification and our immortalization! Let’s not get even more angsty as writers. Yes, writing can get us down. Writing can be a bear, as well as seemingly give us a lot to bear. But let’s pursue it for good rather than merit. Let’s keep it as a good opportunity rather than an idol or a way to self-idolize.
Lets let our desire to write encourage us toward perspective and discipline. And, may those things build up our service toward those in our God-given vocations, in family, congregation, community, etc.
Mortify your flesh, not to earn, but in recognition of our sin and our Savior. Mortify your flesh, not only in Lent but in your entire baptized life!
Thank you, Jesus, for bringing me out of some of my own angst from the last few days.