I meant to blog this last week! How did I let so much time slip by?! Want to read a clever and cute children’s text posted on another writer’s blog? Let me introduce you to Augustine the Hippo.
I would totally buy this for my children and squeal in delight to receive it.
Anyone want to illustrate it? I join the author, Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr., in thinking that would be AWESOME!
No matter what, I’m glad to remind you of Rev. Kornacki’s existence. He is, as you can tell, a pastor, as well as a hymn writer, author, and novelist. 🙂 (I say that to mean he’s published both fiction and non-fiction.)
Interested in more than a blog post/ children’s book sampling from him? Check out the following:
- His blog, Epistles from Exile: This World is Not My Home (1 Peter 2:9-12),
- Thy Strong Word series (Love Divine, One Thing’s Needful, A Great and Mighty Wonder)
- Lutheran Purgatory: Pastors Without Calls
Meanwhile, I hope Augustine the Hippo can visit my kiddos someday, whether to teach them a lesson or to make them smile like I am!
Thanks for all you do, Rev. Kornacki! Warm wishes to you!