Every year I put together a pastoral planner for my beloved husband, Ned, so today I happily announce the 2021-2022 Pastoral Planner! It’s available in two formats this years, both having lectionary assignments from the LSB One Year and Three Year lectionaries (including introits). As always, the planner starts in Advent then follows the church year through the end of the next year. You know, so you have time to buy and transition over to my next one. 🙂
The Book
The first format is print: as in years past, you can purchase a coil-bound, 6 x 9 pastoral planner from Lulu here. (I don’t know why the cover isn’t showing on that website. See above & below for a picture. I’m optimistic they’ll fix that soon.) The cover is different from previous years, since we couldn’t find our digital files, but I think this one is fine, too. <Shrug> Also, as Lulu doesn’t offer a preview option, you can view pictures of the printed edition at the end of this post.
The printed 2021-2022 pastoral planner includes monthly calendar spreads, weekly scheduling pages, visitation & mileage charts, an advance calendar to track things planned a year in advance (like weddings & district events), a spot for jotting down agenda items, and lots of sermon pages. Each sermon page has lectionary references so you can take those with you wherever you may want to translate, brainstorm, outline, etc.—no Internet or heavy additional book necessary.
It was our goal to make finding your spot as easy as possible, so I think you can fold or cut off a corner of each page you finish (or rip it out, I suppose) to find your next sermon page speedily. Other than that, I think Ned uses strategic paperclips to mark sections.
The second format is a little different: digital files compatible with Everbook!
Do you know Everbook? It’s great. Learn about it here, here, and here. 🙂 Plus, if you want free templates, you can find those here.
The content is very similar to the printed version, except I did not include agenda items. I suspect Everbookers already have a system for that sort of thing. I do want to point out, however, that these pastoral planner digital files are more than generic templates. Each sermon page has lectionary references, for instance, and any pages you may want to keep for tax purposes (like mileage!) or other records are dated. Print and go, although there are so many pages you may want to print them all and only carry a portion with you in your Everbook.
Because LutheranHomeschool.com agreed to host the 2021-2022 Pastoral Planner for Everbook, you can view samples and make your purchase on following product page.
Because Lulu does not yet include a “Look Inside” feature, here are pictures from the physical product with a pen shown for size reference:
Great for pastor appreciation gifts, or, in my case my pastoral husband!
Plus, if you order on or before November 5th, you can save 20% on all print products from Lulu, using the code EARLYBIRD 20.
And, just so you know, it took me about two weeks to get our proof copy.
My thanks to all the Lutheran pastors out there! God bless you!