When I posted Lent resources this year, I think I mentioned trying to do something similar for Holy Week. I’m actually a bit surprised I didn’t find more Holy Week resources, but maybe this list can keep growing. So, today’s post: Holy Week Resources for 2022. 🙂
If you’re interested in things that are young-kid friendly:
- Pleasantly Crafted has a Holy Week Banner, Devotions, and Coloring Sheets, and a downloadable Easter Coloring Placement.
- (You can even get those Pleasantly Crafted devotions and place them inside eggs like this that you’ve decorated! HT the Gandy family)
- Pure Joy Creative has four images on a Holy Week Coloring page, and
- Concordia Collective has an Eastertide poster (color or black and white).
- Titvs Classics even has a Lutheran coloring book with the 14 stations of the cross: Via Crucis, the Way of the Cross.
- You could also make Holy Week Boxes.
Anna Mussmann, over at Sister, Daughter, Mother, Wife, offers this article, “Paintings for Holy Week: The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus in Art.” Click through the pieces to find comfort in the Incarnate Christ and His gifts. Even those gifts given through artists. (Be sure to go through the Slide Show!)
Here’s a YouTube playlist appropriately titled “Hymns for Holy Week,” shared by Zion Lutheran in Tomball, TX.
By all means, consider reading a passion book! You could also read Bugenhagen’s Passion History (compiled by mark DeGarmeaux), a compilation of Scripture accounts, broken into seven readings.
Or listen to Bach’s St. John Passion or something similar! And, if you’re into music, here are “Hymns on the Passion by Thomas Kingo” (translated by mark DeGarmeaux)!
I even found a few vigil resources! Here are ELS resources for it and here is a setting of songs and readings: Keeping Vigil (1).
Or just want an easier way to diffuse lies about Easter? Here are a few articles of those, too:
- https://steadfastlutherans.org/2014/04/redeeming-holy-days-from-pagan-lies-easter-1-2/
- https://steadfastlutherans.org/2014/04/redeeming-holy-days-from-pagan-lies-easter-2-2/
- https://steadfastlutherans.org/2015/03/redeeming-holy-days-from-pagan-lies-easter-eggs-and-nowruz/
Admittedly, if you’re looking for Easter crafts, I’ve perhaps failed you. I’ll see whether I do a follow up post. 🙂