Ok. I may or may not be bragging about this one. But do you ever read a random book and think, “Wait. Is this written by a Lutheran? Is this . . . just that right balance between daring and surprising piety?” Maybe you even follow that up with some web-stalking. At least, that’s what I do, 🙂 and that’s how I’m pleased to tell you about yet another Lutheran writer: this one being Jonathan Moeller, a USA Today bestselling author!
Is that a promise that all his works are explicitly Christian? Nah. I was pleasantly surprised in the middle or end. But do I enjoy action and fantasy novels even more when there are Christian elements, hidden or subtle? Absolutely!
Jonathan Moeller is WELS, which means there are at least two award winning WELS authors I know about in fiction. Yay! The other is Valerie Bodden. Who else am I missing?
Anyway, I should try to write up a review eventually, but the book I read in which I recognized Lutheran influences was Thief Trap: A Cloak Games Novel. It was a fantasy action book I picked up for free through BookBub. (Love me some BookBub.)
I do want to point out, however, that Jonathan Moeller writes enough that he offers several free books straight from his website: typically first in a series to draw you in. You can get them there or just sort his Amazon Kindle books by Price Low – High. 😀
Welcome to my list of Living Lutheran Authors! Happy reading & writing!