Blog Philosophy/Disclosure

My writing philosophy includes room to support that writers are not in competition with each other. If you’re writing, it’s one more book I can read and one less book I need to write. 🙂 And, as Christians we can support each other. As Lutherans, we can rejoice that a little more of the Lutheran treasure trove is shared!

This blog and website exist to encourage Lutherans and Christians to write. And, if I can help by suggesting exercises, thoughts, articles, or needs, even better!

By all means, buy my books and learn my name—Moerbe rhymes with Furby (It’s Wendish)—too, but that’s secondary.

I am a Lutheran and a member of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. I am a deaconess, which is a theologically trained mercy worker, and I experience theology as a daily matter. I hope this website can become a forum for like-minded people, who incorporate Christ as the Lutheran Confessors profess Him according to God’s holy Word.

I believe that writing can be much more than self-gratification. Rather, it can be a true, loving, and faithful service. Writing benefits neighbors, from family and friends to faraway fellows. It hones the mind, strengthens communication, and by its nature pays homage to Him who crafts and gave language to us in the first place. Even better, as one who believes in the Word of God as a means of grace, it can be shaped and reflective of the very Word-made-Flesh, Jesus Christ.

Because I believe in original sin and I do not believe in any sort of perfect writer, let’s pretend that typos and grammatical errors of any sort are a reflection of our freedom to be ourselves as realistic writers—no matter how realistic our writing may be. 🙂

Now, whether you want to publish or not, your writing may be a gift to one of the neighbors God has placed in your life. It may nestle really well into your vocations!! So, why not give it a try and see what can happen? And, maybe I can encourage you along the way.

Comment Policy: First time commenters are automatically moderated. Additional comments may be deleted to hide personal information or disrespectful content.

Disclosure Policy: I use Amazon Affiliates to provide pictures and links to books to enable easier sales and a prettier blog. If you follow links on my page, I may receive a small commission with zero additional cost to you. Beyond an occasional free book, I receive no reimbursement or profit from endorsing or reviewing. Also, because I want to raise awareness for authors and books, I may ANNOUNCE a book I have never read, but I will always reserve REVIEWS for my own personal opinions & experiences. Beyond an occasional free book, I receive no reimbursement or profit from endorsing or reviewing.

My disclosure policy is restated in the side column of my website, although it is not explicitly mentioned within every post.

I may dabble in AdSense as I’m learning. Please let me know if you think I’m doing something I ought to avoid or fix.

Privacy Policy: This blog does not store personal information beyond fulfilling subscriptions, storing comments, and receiving messages through my contact form. I certainly do not share that information in any way. Let me know if you’d like your info deleted and I’ll be happy to do it.

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