Tag Archives: grief

I Will Grieve for the Suicide

If you are wrestling with grief following suicide, or if you have people in your life affected by Christian suicide, I want you to know that there is a Lutheran book you can read for free online: I Will Grieve for the Suicide: Gospel Comfort for Loved Ones Left Behind by Rev. Peter Preus.

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He Restores My Soul

I feel like I blogged announcing this was coming, but Katie Schuermann’s latest project is now for sale! He Restores My Soul is a collection of writings on cross and comfort with 14 chapters and 12 authors, edited by the keen mind and gentle tongue of awesome Mrs. Katie Schuermann. Get it! Stock your family, church, and public library! 🙂 I know I’m looking forward to reading it when I get the chance.

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Book Regarding Miscarriage!

I am so excited to hear that CPH is publishing a book regarding miscarriage!!! Never Forsaken: God’s Mercy in the Midst of Miscarriage releases August 28th, and I am already thanking God for it!

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When Someone Dies (for children)

Julie Stiegemeyer is, by all accounts, someone I should have met. Maybe I have. She even looks familiar! Do you ever feel that way? I think we even lived in the same city for a spell! Anyway, Julie Stiegemeyer has long been an author my friends have turned to for children’s books (high praise in itself), so today I’ll review When Someone Dies Find Comfort in Jesus.

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Grieving Mothers

I saw a lovely Lutheran poem for grieving mothers on Facebook/Steadfast Lutherans so today’s post simply leads you to it.

A blessed Thursday to you!

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