Inspiration is something I hope to write about here every now and again. It seems to me that people who believe in the inspiration of Scripture can explore the lesser inspiration toward writing and the arts in a wide variety of ways. I mean, when God Himself can inspire, in addition to His creation, inspiration can become an incredibly intricate, multi-tiered concept!
Having said that, I’ve been writing lately much more from habit than from any sort of inner passion. I’ve tried to pick a meter and then jot out potential hymn stanzas. I hadn’t gotten anywhere I particularly liked (although it is kind of nice to take a writing exercise like this and stretch it out over a week or a month now). So, yesterday I picked a slightly different form, using a shorter length of line, and had much better success! I began to feel more like exercise than a waste of time (though who can really tell what constitutes a waste of time) and that helps.
It also occurred to me that I could pick out a rhyming pair of words from a hymn and put them in a different setting. There are lots of options.
Feeling uninspired? That’s ok. Since when did exercise require a person to feel any sort of way? It can still be good and helpful, getting you closer to where you want to be.