
Sometimes I think about writing about darker things: discontent, yearning, and suffering. Then I wonder who such writings would help and whether writing them would be a service.

The thing is, sometimes what I want are niche writings for under-served people. I want to take experiences and say, “You’re right. This is not ok. This is not how things should be, but our God will still work good out of it.”

I want to take a housewife who crumbles thinking, “There must be more,” and say, “There is more! But our feeble hearts fail to recognize it again and again! Hear the promises for you! You have deliverance! Even within the home and in a less-than-happy marriage!”

Too often Christians write happy endings where happy endings rarely occur. In short, Christ is not the happy ending. The end of the world remains in the clutches of Hollywood rather than believers, and the church hands out less than the full comfort of Christ.

Discontent is on the rise. I don’t know whether I could really encapsulate it with words, or demonstrate my hopes and persuasions in book form. Still, it’s something to think about. Discontent is on the rise, even if it isn’t necessarily best selling material. Or maybe it is. Maybe real Christianity is what people avoid spending money on!

But thanks be to God that we really are given extensive, applicable comforts throughout Scripture. It is eye opening and earth shattering—even as this earth labors for the age to come. 🙂

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